FROZEN - Halibut- British Columbia


Packed in 1 pound packages

Halibut – British Columbia- Wild

WHY WE #EFFINGLOVE IT: Aside from being truly delicious, Halibut is an excellent source of selenium, a trace mineral with many health benefits that your body needs of course in small amounts. The “Chicken of the Sea”

COOKING METHODS:  Believe it or not, halibut is actually easier to prepare than just about any meat source. It’s fast, versatile, and can get dinner on your table in 20 minutes or less in most cases.

FISH TIPS:  When cooking halibut it will dry out on you fast because it contains very little oil so keep a fisheye on it, quick sear and bake with skin on is considered best but this meaty fish can be used in fish tacos, chunked and cooked in chowder has been amazing! This is also easiest to bake, add any sauce or rub then bake at 375F for 10-15 mins depending on thickness, should feel firm to the touch when fully cooked. Enjoy it just for the halibut!

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